Useful Websites

Links to East Riding of Yorkshire Council

East Riding of Yorkshire Council's homepage gives an a-z list of services otherwise click on the links below:



Litter Bin Emptying days

Bins Rubbish and Recycling - includes fly tipping, bulky waste, business waste, clinical waste, asbestos and how to recycle waste.

Waste Recycling Sites (tips)

Report a faulty street light in Flamborough

Roadworks report - find out the latest roadworks in your area

Street and road maintenance - use the online service to access information and report faults eg potholes, footpath repairs, grass cutting requests, public toilets servicing requests.

Winter Services and Maintenance - access information on salting routes, grit bins, snow and ice clearance and report/request winter services,.

Street Cleansing - access services and report problems

Do it Online - report issues, pay for Council Services (eg Council Tax), apply for Council Services (eg Schools admissions, benefits, planning applications), book services/events, find information

Benefits advice

 Funding advice

Have your Say on ERYC services and Consultations

ERYC Council , Committees, Performance, Elections, Civic



Flamborough Parish Council is not responsible for the content of external websites.